eHealth as an Aid for Facilitating and Supporting Self-Management in Families with Long-Term Childhood Illness; Development, Evaluation, and Implementation in Clinical Practice – A Research Programme

Main Article Content

Inger Kristensson Hallström
Charlotte Castor
Helena Hansson
Robert Holmberg
Degu Jerene
Björn A Johnsson
Gudrun Kristjánsdóttir
Ólof Kristjánsdóttir
Boris Magnusson
Magnus Persson
Annica Sjöström-Strand
Anna Welander Tärneberg
Pernilla Stenström
Åsa B Tornberg


Introduction  eHealth, defined by WHO as: “the transfer of health resources and healthcare by electronic means” are expected to increase communication between healthcare providers and patients and increase accessibility and patient participation in healthcare. The aim of this research programme is to: 1) develop a sustainable multidisciplinary environment for advancing, evaluating, and implementing models of eHealth to promote self-management for children and their families, and 2) increase the present knowledge of clinical and economic cost-effectiveness of eHealth as an aid for supporting self-management in families with long-term childhood illness. 

Method  The research is performed in Sweden, Denmark, and Ethiopia and organized in three research domains: eHealth to enable and promote self-management in advanced paediatric care, eHealth for early diagnosis and treatment in paediatric care, and Co-Creation of multidisciplinary knowledge for the translation of eHealth in practice. The research follows a framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions in healthcare. Through participatory design family members and care providers participate throughout the research process. Quantitative and qualitative data as well as health economics are collected in six clinical areas. Five general areas are run transversal. 

Results and conclusion  Evidence-based best practices in developing and evaluating eHealth in paediatric healthcare will be suggested. As implementation is part of the programme, cost-effective eHealth directly benefiting families and healthcare services will be guaranteed. 

Trial registration  NCT04150120

Article Details

How to Cite
eHealth as an Aid for Facilitating and Supporting Self-Management in Families with Long-Term Childhood Illness; Development, Evaluation, and Implementation in Clinical Practice: – A Research Programme. ClinHealthPromot [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];13(1):e23002. Available from:
Original article
Author Biographies

Inger Kristensson Hallström, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden


Charlotte Castor, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden


Helena Hansson, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine/Women’s and Children’s Health, Copenhagen University Hospital/University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine/Women’s and Children’s Health, Copenhagen University Hospital/University of Copenhagen, Denmark 


Robert Holmberg

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, Lund University, Sweden 


Degu Jerene, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Netherlands

KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Netherlands


Björn A Johnsson, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, Lund University, Sweden 


Gudrun Kristjánsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland

University of Iceland, Iceland


Ólof Kristjánsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland

University of Iceland, Iceland


Boris Magnusson, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, Lund University, Sweden 


Annica Sjöström-Strand, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden 

Associate Professor

Anna Welander Tärneberg, Centre of Economic Demography and Department of Economics, Lund University, Sweden

Centre of Economic Demography and Department of Economics, Lund University, Sweden


Pernilla Stenström, Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden /Skane University Hospital, Sweden

Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden /Skane University Hospital, Sweden

Associate Professor

Åsa B Tornberg, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Associate Professor

How to Cite

eHealth as an Aid for Facilitating and Supporting Self-Management in Families with Long-Term Childhood Illness; Development, Evaluation, and Implementation in Clinical Practice: – A Research Programme. ClinHealthPromot [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];13(1):e23002. Available from: