Clinical Health Promotion – Research & Best Practice for patients, staff and community is the official journal for the international scientific society of clinical health promotion (CHPS). The journal provides a platform for a lively interaction between specialist and experts in the growing field of Clinical Health Promotion.


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2023: Ongoing issue

Published: 2023-10-13

eHealth as an Aid for Facilitating and Supporting Self-Management in Families with Long-Term Childhood Illness; Development, Evaluation, and Implementation in Clinical Practice

– A Research Programme

Inger Kristensson Hallström, Charlotte Castor, Helena Hansson, Robert Holmberg, Degu Jerene, Björn A Johnsson, Gudrun Kristjánsdóttir, Ólof Kristjánsdóttir, Boris Magnusson, Magnus Persson, Annica Sjöström-Strand, Anna Welander Tärneberg, Pernilla Stenström, Åsa B Tornberg (Author)


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